

Monday, November 29, 2010

[TRANS via tohosomnia] 101129 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Updates

Jaejoong has a cold and some interesting photos for us. Should I be scared? ;)
(Jaejoong) Did you all sleep well>^^ (10:00am KST)
(Jaejoong) I didn't realize till now because I was so nervous..But I woke up today..with a cold..ㅜㅠㅠ (10:01am KST)
(Jaejoong) I'm going to be uploading some interesting photos today, so anticipate what is to come^^haha (10:05am KST)
Compilation of Junsu's Tweets Today (With a couple of Jaejoong's)
(English Tweet/Junsu) Good morning~!!^^ (12:35pm KST)
(Junsu) I fell asleep completely exhausted yesterday..^^ But did you know that I fell asleep smiling thanks to you all?~ Above all things, your dance moves during the Be My Girl remix filled us with such joy..Thank you so much~ (12:40pm KST)
(Junsu) Sigh~ Those two days went speeding by^^;; (12:42pm KST)
Jaejoong hyung was so moved yesterday.. The sight of Jaejoong hyung crying his eyes out like that.. I had never seen that before...haha;; Will Jaejoong hyung not like it if I say this..?? Anyway, seeing him cry like that made Yoochun and me cry with him..But they were tears of joy... And it was all thanks to you guys.^^ (12:46pm KST)
@0101xiahtic When I think about yesterday, I feel so embarrassed.. I don't think I'll be able to look Junsu and Yoochun in the eye for the time being (2:53pm KST)
Oh and you all heard Yoochun's rap part during Mission yesterday, right..? I mentioned it in a previous tweet.. but that's the rap making Yoochun did in a mere five minutes.. Clap clap clap. What a cool guy (12:55pm KST)
@0101xiahtic Oppa, I like Fallen Leaves and Mission the mostㅠㅠㅠMissionㅠㅠㅠㅠFive minute rap makingㅠㅠYoochun-sama is a geniusㅠㅠㅠBut you're all geniuses and the bestㅠㅠ (1:01pm KST)
@38chronicle Thanks~ (1:11pm KST)
@0101xiahtic Junsu-sama, I was amazed by your talent once again. The song called Mission.. I really believe that you are a genius. You receive a Pass!! (1:06pm KST)
@sr_alla Thank you~ I'll keep devoting myself further to music (1:14pm KST)
The feast of the stars, shining bright and dreaming the same dream under the same sky. I load my body onto this festival for the song we will sing once more some day, and that day is sure to come.. When the flowers fall, we will start again.. Fallen Leaves isn't a song dedicated to a beloved woman (1:25am KST)
(Sung Pil) Guys^^~~~Great job.. Rest well, set aside any regrets for now..And focus on taking care of your health~~^^*JYJ is the best, best, best♥♥♥ (1:51pm KST)
(Junsu) @kangsungpil Hyung, thank you so much for coming^^ (2:12pm KST)
(Sung Pil)
@0101xiahtic You were the best~~ Junsu^^* You guys were amazing as expected.. All I can say to you is that you are the best ^^* Now, take care of your health~~ Let's meet up this week ^^~ (2:15pm KST)
(John aka Egg)
@mjjeje @6002theMicky @0101xiahtic Don't just stand there speaking Korean so well amongst yourselves, teach me~~!! I help you with your English~!!!(5:54pm KST)
@elbowyeish Hyung, your Korean is so cute keke On the other hand, I think you're really good at English~!!^^ (7:02pm KST)
@elbowyeish Hyung, I'm studying Korean too.. Korean spelling and word spacing is so hard.. (8:21pm KST)
Compilation of Jaejoong's Tweets Today
(Sung Pil) Jaejoong~~ Yesterday, you were..Yoochun and Junsu's reliable hyung.. The most reliable hyung~~ You communicated with your dongsaengs on stage.. and became one with your fans~~ I'm sure Junsu and Yoochun felt your heart's intentions and followed along!!! You were the best, dongsaeng^^* (3:41pm KST)
@kangsungpil Thank you, hyung.. I cried so much at the after party yesterday that I honestly feel too embarrassed to call them..haha..;; Because I cried like such a little kid ha (8:23pm KST)
Yesterday.. I started crying because something inside of my heart, that I had been locking away for the past year, just seemed to burst out with a "Bang", and I cried again when Yoochun came to comfort me,. And then I cried again when Junsu came to comfort me.. Then we all got together and said "I love you""We have to be eternal.." to each other, danced.. and cried..Thanks Junsu hyung and Yoochun hyung (8:28pm KST)
Oh..There are a lot of people who are wondering what the meaning of "Nine" is.. It literally means "9".. (8:33pm KST)
It's because it's been around 9 years from when we all first started living together, after Yoochun was the last to join, till now. (8:37pm KST)
The reason why it took so long for me to write the lyrics for "nine" was because..I was wondering if it would be better to use poetic expressions.. or other ways of expression.. And because it was the first song we were to present to you at the concert, I wanted to express "Talking right in front of your eyes" so it turned out like this,,(8:51pm KST)
"pierrot" was originally a R&B song with a piano instrumental.. But we were working hard to add another dance piece, so a new song was born with a completely different color. (8:59pm KST)
And "My scenario" is a song created as a spin off of "pierrot". These two songs were originally one song~ (9:06pm KST)
The title was "I Deal scenario" so we made it "I.D.S".. (9:12pm KST)
Originally for Nine.. I wanted to arrange the song thinking of our "Beginning" so I used the basic chords that I learned when Yoochun first began teaching me how to play the piano, and I created the melody so that it would remind people of music from 10 years ago.. Yoochun didn't even know that and said "Hyung..It has kind of an old feeling to it?haha".. (Sorry Yoochun haha) (9:22pm KST)
(Jaejoong) The songs composed by the members this concert were all completely composed, arranged and had their lyrics written by the members. (9:27pm KST)
(Jaejoong) I'm finally revealing it (9:34pm KST)
JiJi and JjiJji are fighting (9:41pm KST)
And we really enjoyed all the warm food our fans sent us during the days of the concert, thank you so much everyone. I was deeply moved by the bus which surprised me the first time I saw it ㅜ I was so thankful that I thought, "Am I worthy enough" to have fans make a bus like that for me ㅠ (9:48pm KST)
(Jaejoong) Hmph, I'm going to have a midnight snack haha See you later (9:52pm KST)
(Jaejoong) I'm going to go make the ramen that I received from some Japanese fans a couple of days ago! To all the Japanese fans who came to Korea (for us) despite the cold, thank you so much! (9:56pm KST)
You make me hungry D:
(Jaejoong) I made and ate some curry udon~ (10:56pm KST)
Jaejoong's Secret Curry Udon Recipe
(Jaejoong) First, you cook the udon noodles, then you add the curry and a small amount of water, then you slice your beef into small pieces and drop them in and you're done!(11:00pm KST)
Jaejoong's Feet, Hrm
(Jaejoong) I apologize (for posting a picture like this) at night..^^ (12:07am KST)
(Jaejoong) Yes, I posted it just so I could brag about how pretty my feet are..If I actually said that I'd be too embarrassed to come back on Twitter hahahahaha Good night for now, I'm going to go exercise ^^ (12:12am KST)
Shane is back! (YUS)
(Shane) @mjjeje Have you been well? You're truly a monster of Twitter! HAHA Me too. You have to write back in English! #twitteraddict (2:54am KST)
@shaneyoon I'm going to bed now ha^^ What time is it in America right now? Anyway, I want to see you soon~ (3:05am KST)
Jaejoong heads off to bed
(Jaejoong) Good night everyone^^ (3:05am KST)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

[TRANS via tohosomnia] 101128 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Updates

My English lessons with Junsu commence
(English Tweet/Junsu) I'm arrived to party room (10:19pm KST)
Jaejoong Thanks all the Fans who Attended Today's Concert
(Jaejoong) Today was the best ^^ Thank you so much, I was so moved when you all shouted out that you love us♥ (10:42pm KST)
Junsu thanks Tesoro, nawww
(Junsu) Thank you so much Tesoro, who worked so hard behind the scenes~!! (10:52pm KST)
Nawwwwwwwww Why are you so full of awesomeness?
(Jaejoong) All the challenges and situations we're experiencing right now are so unfamiliar, and tiring, and they wear me out.. It makes it all the more tiring to have to pull through a continuous string of adversities and hardships.. But there is one thing that isn't unfamiliar. The people in front of my eyes who still love us..The thought crossed my mind that I should work hard and devote myself to these people until the day I die.. With that love, we will work hard and we will grow. (11:14pm KST)
To all who have become the energy of my life.. and to our members,.. Thank you and I love you so much. I'm sincerely sorry and I love you. Though these are words I usually don't like saying because they make me feel embarrassed, I wanted to say them to you. Be careful not to catch a cold..^^ (11:17pm KST)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

[TRANS via tohosomnia] 101127 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Updates

D: It's okay Yoochun! The Concert will be AMAZING Regardless!!!
(Yoochun) Because of the hail from the morning....the lid....has all disappeared (12:59pm KST)
They said it would take three days to reinstall it (1:04pm KST)
(T/N: He's referring to the material they used to cover the open top of the Olympic Stadium)

Let's hate on the Sky for Junsu
(Junsu) Today, the skies are quite hateful.....haha;; But still, let's be strong~ (2:35pm KST)
JYJ's Pre-Concert Tweets
(Yoochun) Everyone, it's really cold, right??^^Aigoo~ We're dying to start (^^We'll be there soon so wait just a little longer!!^^ (7:44pm KST)
(Junsu) Now... Let's all be strong~ ^^ Hwaiting!! (7:46pm KST)
There's a bit of a delay..I'm sorry, especially since it's so cold..Let's have an amazing time^^ (7:47pm KST)
Jaejoong apologizes, Junsu feels horrible, I cry
(Jaejoong) I'm so sorry that the ceiling collapsed because of unexpected hail, and that there were so many changes to the staging, and that we couldn't use the laser show and front assisting stage..And I'm so sorry that all these made the rehearsal longer, which caused problems and delayed the concert,, Thank you so much everyone for smiling with joy though it was so cold.. I hope tomorrow's performance is better.. (12:26am KST)
We were so pumped up right up to the day before the performance,,But then the shows no one had ever seen before disappeared with a natural disaster..The moment we stepped into the stadium this morning..Tears sprung to our eyes. Junsu said that the most distressing thing was that from the moment the ceiling disappeared, regardless of whether it was due to a natural disaster or not, it felt as though we had lied to our fans, and he felt horrible about that.. (12:35am KST)
But because we had to give a great performance nevertheless.. We rushed to change a lot of the staging on the cue sheet..Though there still won't be a ceiling tomorrow..We will bring you a performance better than today's. Hwaiting.! (12:37am KST)
There is a saying that one must concentrate on doing one's best, not being the best. But we wanted to do our best on the best stage..That's why I'm so sorry and thankful to everyone who came to today's performance. I will fall asleep with these feelings,, To the people coming tomorrow..It's going to be really cold so wear clothes that will keep you warm. And get up when Be My Girl comes on^^ (12:50am KST)

(Jaejoong) Because tomorrow will come... (t/n: asu wa kuru kara) good night (1:02am KST)
(Jaejoong) Ah..I can't seem to fall asleep., I'm really going to bed now! Goodnight~ (4:06am KST)
I have to put him in this position when I give him his medicine.. (4:08am KST)

Friday, November 26, 2010

[TRANS via tohosomnia] 101126 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Updates

Junsu Follows 'Noona's Song' Singer Lyn ^^
(Lyn) @0101xiahtic Hi Junsu?:) (1:32pm KST)
@lovelyn_twt Hello, noona^^ A fan told me your username yesterday, so I put in a request to follow you~hahaha (2:25pm KST)
@0101xiahtic keke I don't know who that fan is, but their sense is extraordinary. I've been following you from the start. Ah, I enjoyed your Mozart performance last time, you were so cool :) There's nothing Junsu can't do! Your concert is this weekend, right? Have fun and do well♪ (2:59pm KST)
Jaejoong wonders if it's cold across the sea
(Jaejoong) @fuku0501 Is it cold in Japan? In Korea it’s really overwhelming;; (9:31pm KST)
Jaejoong's friends are visiting~
(Jaejoong) @maotin1019 Mao-chan! Yusuke came to Korea today^^ To see the JYJ concert~ As expected, friends are….importantㅠㅠ (9:28pm KST)
@mjjeje Really? I see^^ If I had gone together it would have been good♪ (9:47pm KST)
@maotin1019 You’re busy, so you can’t come (Laughs) (9:58pm KST)
@mjjeje No no, I’m not busy~☆ I’m free!! (Laughs) (10:28pm KST)
@maotin1019 It’s dull isn’t it^^ (10:39pm KST)
@mjjeje Not at all^^Did Yusuke go alone? (10:49pm KST)
@maotin1019 Two of his friends came too^^ (10:54pm KST)
Jaejoong Worries about Fans Catching a Cold
(Jaejoong) It's going to be cold tomorrow, so dress warmly. The weather's going to be really cold. Be careful not to catch a cold..! (9:39pm KST)
Jaejoong keeps Worrying about Fans, Gives a Good Tip (Thanks bb♥)
(Jaejoong) By the way, they told us that they won't be selling things like blankets outside the stadium be sure to pack something that will keep you warm.^^(9:41pm KST)
Jaejoong's conversation with Akio, they're not giving up on Japan!
(Akio) @mjjeje Is it that cold? How many degrees is it now? (9:53pm KST)
@akionosuke I don’t know but its definitely….colder than Japan. (10:00pm KST)
@mjjeje Don’t give up on Japan… because everyone is waiting. (10:02pm KST)
@akionosuke ^^We’re not giving up…^^ It’s just that we cannot go… [T/N: to Japan] (10:04pm KST)
@mjjeje Once you start to tweet, twitter fails (Laughs) (10:35pm KST)
@akionosuke I’m sorry…^^ (10:40pm KST)
(Jaejoong) And among the staff, there are also 3 Japanese! So I could speak a lot of Japanese^^ One of the staff told me, “Everyone in Japan is waiting for you guys so…don’t give up on Japan..”..Thank you. Thanks, everyone (9:56pm KST)
Jaejoong Reminisces about his Days in Kindergarten.... Feeling a little old Jae?
(Jaejoong) I miss my friends from Class Rose of JoongDong Kindergarten in Gongju, Chungcheong-Do Province..But I can't seem to remember people's names that well..Kim Gil Hwan..Ji Young Jo.Kim Soo Yeon..Ah..I really can't remember their names that well.. (11:03pm KST)
Everyone was scared because there was a rumor that the teacher of Class Rose would be Yeo Gyoung. She had quite a big build. But the teacher of Class Hibiscus was like a ballerina..I was so jealous..Ah,.Everyone from Class Rose, gather round~ (11:06pm KST)
Though I want to see everyone from JoongDong Elementary School 1-6 2-5 3-3 4-? 5-? 6-7 and BooSok Middle School 1-1 2-1 3-1, I'm searching for Kim Soo Yeon and Kim Gil Hwan from Class Rose who later transfered to another kindergarten. (11:15pm KST)
(T/N: The numbers indicate the grade and class he was in. i.e. 1-6 = 1st Grade, Class 6)

Yoochun's Searching for Junsu... Jaejoong comments on the missing kid's er.. behind (If you get what I mean *hint nudge wink*) XD
(Yoochun) I'm looking for someone, too.... I'm looking for a child named Kim Junsu who has disappeared from the waiting room just now. He doesn't have that many characteristics.....Eu Kyang Kyang Kyang ㅡㅡ (11:19pm KST)
@6002theMicky Something else to add, you can tell that it's him just by his appearance from behind. (11:21pm KST)
Yoochun makes a Lame Joke to the person who found Junsu
(Gun Young) @6002theMicky I'm filing a report. Right now, he's right next to me talking to someone, in the dancers' waiting room.. This has been Reporter Jung Gun Young(11:36pm KST)
I see, Reporter Jung Gun Young... But you were an actor, Mr. Jung Gun?? (11:40pm KST)
(T/N: Reporter Jung Gun Young is 정건영 기자, Yoochun makes the joke of reading it as 정건 영기자 and 영기자 sounds like 연기자, which is Korean for 'actor')

Junsu just laughs at Yoochun's search
(Junsu) @6002theMicky kekekekekekekekekekeke (11:38pm KST)
They're selling Blankets! And Jaejoong, I see you haven't read the English lesson tweet on 'changing words that end with a -y into plural' that I sent you -__-
(Jaejoong) I hear they're selling blankets;; (at the concert venue) (3:22am KST)
We've returned home after our rehearsal that finished not long ago~ We were concentrating a lot on this and that^^ Anyway, I'll see you all tomorrow, baby's good night (3:25am KST)
(T/N: Jaejoong wrote 'baby's good night' not me)

Junsu's going to bed with thoughts of meeting fans
(Junsu) Rehearsal's finished..Phew~ Good night everyone~^^ I'll see you tomorrow (3:27am KST)
Junsu, Lyn's probably sleeping, but sure... go ahead
(Junsu) @lovelyn_twt I finally saw your tweet because our concert rehearsal just finished ㅠ So, you followed me first ㅠ And I didn't even know that~Eek Thank you! Please invite me to your performance, too^^ (4:48am KST)
+ Some encouraging tweets from Jaejoong's friends ^^
(Mao) @mjjeje So that’s it-!! The LIVE starts tomorrow? Do well ok♪
(Fukutaro) @mjjeje Everyone in the ’85-ers Club - “Jejung!!!! Do well for tomorrow’s LIVE!!!! (≧▽≦)/ Our hearts are close to you !!!! fight!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


041231 MBC House Tour

[TRANS @tohosomnia] 101124 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Updates

OMG LOOK A TWEET - How do you know this guy?
(Jaejoong) @YiHan_Jin I followed you~^^ (1:42am KST)
(More information about Jin Yi Han -> )

He's Back! And Leaving Again....
(Jaejoong) I was so hungry that I ate some chicken breast..It was so tough and didn't taste good..I'm going to go work out and then go to sleep~ have a good night baby,s(1:56am KST)
(T/N: Jaejoong's the one who wrote "have a good night baby,s")

Just kidding he's back, and... WHY IS EVERYONE GOING TO THE CONCERT EXCEPT ME? *cries*
(Yi Han) @mjjeje I followed you too^^ Be careful not to get injured during your concert on the 27th~28th!!! Hwaiting!!! Jaejoong, be strong!!!!!!!!!! (2:02am KST)
@YiHan_Jin Thank you^^ I'll do well, let's meet up soon, hyung~ I'm going to bed now~! (2:04am KST)
(Yi Han)
Okay, goodnight ^^ Be careful not to catch a cold! (2:04am KST)
@YiHan_Jin Goodnight to you too, hyung^^ (2:05am KST)
(Yi Han)
I'll see you on Saturday~~~!^^ (2:08am KST)
OMG How could you not love this kid? Seriously???
(Jaejoong) I'm working out because I.. don't want to be a dad with a pot belly haha (My personal taste) (2:14am KST)
My parents' fervent wish for me to give them a grandson soon, though they said it's okay if I get married later, is earnest. (Imaginary dad) (2:18am KST)
Because my parents are quite old (Filial son's perspective) (2:20am KST)
Take a joke as a joke! (Let's sleep now) (2:23am KST)
Junsu's excited for the concert, are you???
(English Tweet/Junsu) Yay~!!!!!!!!!concert fighting^^ (3:06am KST)


Anycall Haptic

Samsung's HaHa Campaign

JYJ With Mr Egg (via @elbowyeish)

Mr. Egg man has got Jaejoong's back!!! 요요요!!!

Oh My EGG!!!!! Now THIS almost made me hatch!!!!!!! ^^

Have a Micky Christmas EGGrebody!!!!! Kakakakaka

[TRANS @tohosomnia] 101123 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Update

Yu Ah In's going to the Concert on Saturday... TAKE ME WITH YOU GDI

(Ah In) @6002theMicky I will be anticipating Saturday, Yoocheoni, Yoochoni, Yookchuni, Yootyoni, Yoothyuni (12:40am KST)(T/N: Ah In's having waaaaaay too much fun with Yoochun's name)

(Yoochun) @seeksik ^^ Hey!!! Do you carry your phone around just for show?? I called you before I went to the US~ But it was off~^^ (12:00pm KST)

[TRANS @tohosomnia] 101122 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Updates

Junsu Gets All Excited about the Flash-mob, How could You not Love This Kid♥

(Junsu) Good afternoon^^ Did you all enjoy the Be My Girl video? If I could dance this dance with all of you, the joy and fun we feel at the festival will multiply! With all of you there with me at the Jamshil Olympic Stadium, let's film a video that will stay with all of you forever~!! (1:52pm KST)

(Junsu) Ah, and I see that a lot of you have questions on what direction you should be starting in..Because the video was filmed through a mirror, all you need to do is follow exactly what you see on your screen, so if their right hands go up, then all of your right hands should go up and if they lift their left foot, then all you need to do is lift your left foot up too^ (2:04pm KST)

(Junsu) By the way, I did the dance out of boredom after watching the dance moves 1~2 times that day..As you can see, I'm in the back, all awkward and getting the moves wrong lol Don't watch me, watch the dancers in the front ^^ (2:08pm KST)

(Sunhee) @0101xiahtic But Oppa... Are you aware that the sections on the grass aren't Standing sections?? keke How you expect us to turn in a circle, I don't know........ㅠㅠ So the wave starts from the left, right~??keke (2:49pm KST)

(Junsu) @EukyangSun From the left, that's correct^^ (2:50pm KST)

(English Tweet/Jeri) @0101xiahtic @6002theMicky @mjjeje let's get ALL the #jyj fans to learn this! (3:49pm KST)

(English Tweet/Junsu) @slaughteration yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!jeri!!! (4:22pm KST)

(Ella) @0101xiahtic Question~~~~!!!!! Do we make whatever pose we want??? Or.. do we put our hands in the air??? (4:31pm KST)

(Junsu) @xiahella Put your hands in the air~!! (4:37pm KST)

(EunKyu) @0101xiahtic Oppa, I watched it once but I've got it almost completely memorized!!!!!!!ㅎ~ㅎ (4:28pm KST)

(Junsu) @yc2604 Good!! Once you try it, you'll find that it's not that hard because it's simple^^ (4:40pm KST)

(Si Eun) @0101xiahtic Mr Junsu..You said this would be simple... But this is proper choreography kekekeke But the dance is nice~ Let's just go ahead and make the concert venue a club! Let's party like crazy~!!! Expect great things, because everyone's having fun memorizing the moves!!^^ But this is the first time I've seen singers assigning homework to their fans kekekeke You're the best! (4:27pm KST)

(Junsu) @12Faith26 Because this is the first time, if you guys can succeed, we'll probably be setting another 'First' in Asia^^ (4:42pm KST)

(smjpss) @0101xiahtic I have a question, too... For the middle part, not the choreography part, are we supposed to freely go with the beat and dance freestyle??? (4:50pm KST)

(Junsu) @smjpss In the parts where we dance freestyle, all of you should do the same thing and shake your bodies haha;; (4:56pm KST)

Cat Lady Makes His Grand Return @0101xiahtic

(Junsu) Hello~haha (4:52pm KST)

(Junsu) Boing~ (4:59pm KST)

Jaejoong Also Talks about Be My Girl. No Pre-Drinking, Fans!!!

(Jaejoong) Great job rehearsing today, everyone^^ By the way, have you all learned the Be my girl choreography! (11:30pm KST)

(Jaejoong) To those who think the choreography is too hard, try learning the hand movements separately ^^ And I want to see all of you doing the wave together ㅠ If you can't learn the moves, the wave will nothing ...ㅠ (11:32pm KST)

(Jaejoong) I've heard rumors that some people, who feel embarrassed about dancing, are going to "have a glass of soju" before coming..haha Don't do that (11:34pm KST)

jaejae x akio

(Akio) @mjjeje Thanks for your hard work!! is your cold better? Ani

(t/n: older brother) is worried because you're working too hard (11:33pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @akionosuke I'm fine~^^ Also, I had fun! (11:36pm KST)

(Akio) @mjjeje Forget about it this time (but) please send an email later. (11:39pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @akionosuke ^^okay (11:40pm KST)

Jaejoong Encourage Fans to Learn the Joy of Dancing

(Jaejoong) Yoochun and I.. don't really like learning dance moves unlike Junsu.. But I like this joy that I'm feeling after learning all the moves! Feel that joy with us^^ If you imagine yourself feeling shy when everyone else is dancing..Er.. haha (11:40pm KST)

"Joong" (^^) x seira

(Seira) @mjjeje Even though I've been studying hard I still can't read it... LOL type in Japanese-!! LOL

(t/n: in reply to one of his Korean tweets)

(Jaejoong) @seirakagami Isn't it reasonable if you can't read it (LOL) Are you learning Korean? (11:37pm KST)

(Seira) @mjjeje I've never seen such a Fuku-chan (LOL) It's probably a lie LOL

(t/n: in response to Jaejoong's tweet to Fuku on 21 Nov, 23:44 KST - Fuku!! Looking cool in the picture~~^^)

(Jaejoong) @seirakagami @fuku0501 Fuku.. is trying to look good.. (LOL) (1:51pm KST)

(Seira) @mjjeje Doesn't Joong do it too? LOL

(Jaejoong) @seirakagami My bad.. LOL (11:53pm KST)

(Seira) @mjjeje But all the fans like such a Joong LOL

(Jaejoong) @seirakagami In any case, I still have work left to be done so I have to say bye-bye. See ya~ (11:59pm KST)

Jaejoong says the dance is easier than it seems

(Jaejoong) Honestly, the part where you spin your hands.. Our black hyungs and noonas did it in such a sexy way that it just looks hard! (11:43pm KST)

Yoochun Talks about Be My Girl Too... and Aion, Jaejoong tries to be a slacker and Fails

(Yoochun) South Korea's Heroes Legion hwaiting!! (11:44pm KST)

(T/N: That's the name of his legion on Aion)

(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky Yoochun, I don't think the fans are finding the choreography hard, I just think they're embarrassed to actually do it haha (11:45pm KST)

(Yoochun) What do you mean the choreography is hard^^ When you're all going to do really well!!! (11:46pm KST)

(Yoochun) Because you have such beautiful hearts, I think you'll all look so beautiful even if you mess up^^ Keep going!! (11:51pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky Yoochun, does that mean I'm allowed to mess up?^^ (11:54pm KST)

(Yoochun) @mjjeje Hyung, you have to do well....Because your heart is very, very beautiful?? Eh...This isn't right (11:56pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky I'll work hard..ㅠ (11:56pm KST)

Yoochun is Thankful to be Under the Same Sky as Us... GDI Why are you so precious bb♥

(Yoochun) To be able to practice the same choreography with you all..... under the same sky^^ It's so beautiful and touching... Because we have you, who can't fall asleep and whose hearts race from thinking about us every day, I spent the whole day smiling, thank you!!! (12:30am KST)

Noona Love....?

(Yoochun) Ah!! Yes, noonas!!! Noonas need to receive a 'Pass' too!^^ If only it were possible, I wish I could have a cool glass of beer with you all^^ (12:39am KST)

[TRANS @tohosomnia] 101121 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Updates

Yoochun Seriously Misses Brian, I Nawwww

(English Tweet/Brian) It's snowing in Korea... Wow... (9:39pm KST, Nov 8)

(Yoochun) @Brianjoomuzik Hyung!!! Have you been well?? I really miss you!!!!ㅠㅠ (6:25am KST)

Jaejoong Gloats about the Awsomeness of the JYJ Concert, Fans who can't go (Like me) Weep

(Jaejoong) There's a problem....I think the concert is going to be too awesome.. (narcissism..;; ) A stage on which South Korea, USA and Japan meet..Pit-a-pat^^ (11:43pm KST)

Jae really likes this emoji: ^^

(Jaejoong) @fuku0501 Fuku!! Your picture is cool~~!^^ (11:44pm KST)

(T/N: He should be referring to Fukutaro's new DP)

Jaejoong Keeps Gloating, I Keep Weeping. Someone buy me a ticket to Korea

(Jaejoong) This concert will be an amazing stage performance that will make everyone, even those who are far away, happy! Because I've never experienced such a top-quality stage before and because of our amazing staff, my heart is already .. haha Anyway, I'm off to exercise gogo! (11:51pm KST)

Jae really likes this emoji: ^^ Part 2

(Naoya) @mjjeje Have you recovered from your cold?? (11:53pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @UN1982 It's not completely healed but it's okay^^ Thanks for your concern^^ I'll be back after a bit of training^^(11:57pm KST)

Jaejoong's Clears up a Misunderstanding (Clearly reading fans' replies again)

(Jaejoong) By the way..I was talking about the nationalities of our staff members when I said Korea, USA and Japanㅠ Nothing to misunderstand and sulk about, guys..haha I'm really leaving now~ (12:00am KST)

Took me a Moment to Figure out What they were Talking About...;;

(Gun Young) We are I.D.-墓!!!!!! (2:17am KST)

(Jaejoong) @zerotic0124 I.D.-墓 is the best! (3:15am KST)

(T/N: I.D.-墓 is the name of the dance team Jung Gun Young is part of)

[TRANS @tohosomnia] 101120 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Updates

Oh my egg? lol Junsu

(English Tweet/Junsu) Oh my egg~!!hahaha (6:59am KST)

A little Randomness

(Jaejoong) I want to eat Katsudon (10:04am KST)

We are saved, his voice is back!!

(Jaejoong) My voice popped out two hours before the concert ...! I'll work hard! (11:38am KST)

(Jaejoong) Today was the best. I really thank everyone's passion that brought my voice, that was troubling me for the past 32 hours, to its best condition!! (2:11pm KST)

Jaejoong Cheers Mir On

(Mir) MBLAQ are having a hard time preparing our album.. We're working hard.. (2:17pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @BangMir I'll cheer for you a lot, Mir^^ (2:39pm KST)

(Mir) @mjjeje When the album comes out, I'll visit you with a signed CD, hyung ㅠㅠ Please enjoy it.. ㅠㅠkeke (4:04pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @BangMir I'll put the songs in my iPod and listen to them frequently^^ We're headed back to Korea now, I'll call you (4:14pm KST)

The Drama Queen Thinks Fans are His Cure (What a Cutie♥)

(Jaejoong) If your voice doesn't come out for 32 hours, that's like an incurable illness! (2:46pm KST)

(Jaejoong) But how did my voice suddenly get better two hours before I had to appear on stage??* (2:48pm KST)

(Jaejoong) It seems that fans can even cure incurable illnesses.. (2:59pm KST)

Arden thanks Jaejoong, Jaejoong thanks Arden ^^

(English Tweet/Arden) Wow. What an amazing show, won't lie kinda sad its all over.. Gonna miss you guys! @shaneyoon @mjjeje @0101xiahtic @6002themicky #JYJMC (3:01pm KST)

(Jaejoong) Thanks Arden! It was a stage created by each and every one of us working together! (3:05pm KST)

First dogs, then cats, now I have to be jealous of women married to eggs

(Junsu) With our egg's wife^^ Thanks noona~ Let's meet up again the next time we come to LA•!!! (4:14pm KST)

[TRANS @tohosomnia] 101119 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Updates

Yoochun Uploads a Picture and Thanks John

(Yoochun) (6:20am KST)

(Yoochun) @elbowyeish I sincerely thank you~hyung!! I'm sure you feel this way about us too but to us, you are an asset and a joy!! (11:13am KST)

Followed by Junsu Thanking John as Well and Nawwww

(Junsu) @elbowyeish When I see you and Misook noona, you make me think 'When I get married, I want to live just like them'..^^ I'm always grateful~ (12:00pm KST)

Junsu NEEDS to Follow Brian Joo, and Then Does

(Junsu) Brian hyung!!? Anyone out there know his username so I can follow him!!???? (12:15pm KST)

(Brian) @0101xiahtic Junsu... it's me~!! Follow me kekeke (12:19pm KST)

(Junsu) @Brianjoomuzik Hyung!! Are you in LA right now!!?^^hahaha (12:24pm KST)

Who's dat? I don't get this conversation....

(Ung Uh) @0101xiahtic Just now..Sitting in front of my laptop..I thought about the Big Mac I'm going to eat tomorrow.. I don't know why I suddenly feel like eating a burger..I'm going to sleep tonight treasuring this delicious thought.. What I'm feeling today.. I will show it all.......... at McDonalds tomorrow (4:01pm KST)

(Junsu) @ung_uh haha I thought I'd read this before somewhere.. I can't not reply to this...hahahaha (4:09pm KST)

(T/N: This is a parody of a tweet Junsu wrote on October 30th "(Junsu) Just now.. In my hotel room.. I wrote the lyrics for the first song we will perform at the concert.. I don't know why I was suddenly flooded by memories of the past.. (3:18am KST)")

Junsu shows off his Dance Crew Again, Entices us to Come to the Jamshil Concert

(Junsu) The best tumbling man..who showed off his amazing tumbling skills at Michael Jackson's last concert!! I seriously think he turns at least 10 times in 4~5 seconds..I couldn't help but watch with my mouth open.. his twister etc..It's like he's levitating in (4:32pm KST)

(Junsu) Look out for him at Jamshil~ The 18-year-old tumbling boy!! You will all be amazed.. (4:37pm KST)


(YeJi) @0101xiahtic Junsu, right now, I feel like I could type till my fingers break and send you any kind of mention you Does Jaejoong hyung want some too...? lol Anyway, let's all meet in the timeline right now, go go go go~! Let's go in search of mentions Ah, it's hard to sync this to your tweet.. Throw me a mention, please... kekekekekeke (4:36pm KST)

(Junsu) @JangYeJi Oh, oh~ Ms. Ye Ji, pass!! (4:40pm KST)

(T/N: He uses '통' which was from SungKyunKwan Scandal, meaning 'Pass')(T/N: This is a parody of a tweet Junsu wrote on November 14th that goes like this "(Junsu) Yoochun, right now, I feel like I could rip all the hairs out of my head and give you as many as you want... lol Does Jaejoong hyung want some too..? lol anyway, let's all meet in Yoochun's room right now, go go go go~! Let's go search for the GeumDeungJiSa. (6:16pm KST)"

Junsu Promotes JYJ's Album Release on iTunes

(Junsu) JYJ's songs have finally been officially released on iTunes today. Please listen to our songs~^^ (4:48pm KST)


(Jaejoong) This is bad.. (10:25pm KST)

(Jaejoong) It's going to be all right. (10:42pm KST)

[TRANS @tohosomnia] 101118 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Updates

Cat Lady Longs for His Kitties

(Junsu) Tigger..Leo, I miss you ..ㅠ (4:51am KST)

(T/N: This tweet has been bumped up to the 101118 Master Post)

Yoochun's Got a Feelin' That Tonight's Gonna Be a Good Night (I kinda feel like dancing now)

(Yoochun) The warmth of this night~and great people have filled up this perfect space!! (2:16pm KST)

Junsu Shows off JYJ's Dancers, Doesn't Mention Any Names... ;)

(Junsu) JYJ's supreme dance team~ They're all America's best existing dancers who have worked as back dancers for stars like Christina Aguilera, Britney and Michael Jackson.. We're all anticipating the day we meet with fans at Jamshil..^^Hwaiting~!! (2:42pm KST)

First He gets his name Tweeted Wrong, Now He's been Forgotten.. Poor Ryan *pat pat*

(Junsu) Ah!! After taking the pictures, I've realized that Roostin, who I introduced yesterday, and Telisha aren't there~ Eek. I'm Sorry!!!! lol (2:43pm KST)

Yoochun's up! ^^

(Yoochun) Good morning! (2:06am KST)

OMYGOD WHAT? (That was my legit reaction)

(Jaejoong) Ah.. This is bad.. My voice isn't coming out.. (4:16am KST)

(Jaejoong) Maybe I was too nervous yesterday..It was an After-party..But I felt way more nervous then, than I've ever felt at a regular concert..I'm prohibited from speaking today. (4:18am KST)

[TRANS @tohosomnia] 101117 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Updates

Well, at least he's not confused right now like he was before ;)

(Shane) @mjjeje What are you doing today? #JYJMC (4:29am KST)

(Jaejoong) @shaneyoon We're practicing choreography today for the concert~ What are you doing today, hyung~~!(7:42am KST)

Jaejoong's love for John <3

(Jaejoong) @elbowyeish Oh~ You finally uploaded it~! Thanks, hyung haha (7:46am KST)

(English Tweet/Arden) @elbowyeish @mjjeje Hehe you guys are so silly! :] (7:55am KST)

(Jaejoong) @arden_cho @elbowyeish haha It's because I feel good after meeting him for the first time in a while (8:00am KST)

(Arden) @mjjeje @elbowyeish hahaha I saw John oppa yesterday~~ You two are so funny (8:03am KST)

(Jaejoong) @arden_cho He's a really good guy~ You'll know, Arden, when you get to know him better~~^^ (8:07am KST)

Jae (of all people) is telling us to sleep?!

(Jaejoong) There is still a while before morning so go to sleep!! (8.11am KST)

(T/N : I'm assuming hes talking to his fans since he wrote this around 3pm LA time XD)

They're off~!

(Jaejoong) We're off to our dance rehearsal now^^ (8:15am KST)

Yoochun's Feeling Hungry

(Yoochun) @elbowyeish Hyung!! Hm~I'm hungry (8:32am KST)

Yoochun feels the urge to show his emotions through pictures

(Yoochun) ㅠㅠ (8:43am KST)

(Yoochun) It's cold~!!! (8:46am KST)

Junsu.. probably has no idea what John's Tweet is About but Whines with Yoochun :P

(English Tweet/John) hmm.. was trying to see what I could take a picture... how bout JJ's shoes? Haha (8:10am KST)

(Junsu) @elbowyeish I'm hungry, too~~~ (8:46am KST)


(Junsu) @mjjeje Hyung....................Maerong~ (:P) (8:49am KST)

(Junsu) @6002theMicky Hey......................Maerong~ (:P) (8:50am KST)

Jaejoong Sees Junsu's :P now

(Jaejoong) @0101xiahtic Junsu, I just saw your tweet..You posted it 5 hours ago,, (2:38pm KST)

And He *gasp* Goes to Bed EARLY?

(Jaejoong) T: Twitter jungmal jaemitda. Wi: Wi(We) are the Twitter Tuh(tter):Tuhjilgutgateun nae shimjangeul~hoo~naneunupseotsung~blahblah And now I'm done because I'm so tired! Goodnight !^^ (2:53pm KST)

(Translation: Twitter's really fun. We are the Twitter (...okay Jae, sure) My heart, that feels like it's gonna burst~Hoo~I wasn't there~Blah blah)

Jaejoong Believes in the Power of Positive Thinking!

(Jaejoong) (>_<) (4:04pm KST)

(Jaejoong) (^________^) Positive thinking is good! (4:06pm KST)

Jaejoong's Japanese Tweets (Going pretty Yoochun deep)

(Jaejoong) I'll stop/quit (4:07pm KST)

(Jaejoong) I won't do the same bad things twice. I will work hard and readily move on with my life. (4:10pm KST)

(Jaejoong) However, I don't really know what bad things I've done (laughs) Anyway, the fact is that I will work hard.(4:14pm KST)

Jaejoong whines to John about Yoochun's lame jokes♥

(Jaejoong) @elbowyeish Hyung, did you enjoy the soft tofu? I should really sleep now ..I would have fought it off if I could but.. I'm lying here holding my eyes again..(Yoochun said something about it) Anyway, I'm going to bed, hyung.. ㅠ(4:17pm KST)

Nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww♥ WAI SO PRESH YOU ;A;

(Jaejoong) There were times when I thought..Fans are just fans, but that's not true. I would see people having a hard time or feeling happy because of me, and when I looked back on myself, there were many times when I would have a hard time or would feel happy because of my fans. We have a existence like that of nature~There is no No.1. Though we each have names that were given to us.. (4:24pm KST)

(Jaejoong) From a certain time, and from a certain point, if we think of something different, respect each other.. and love each other, everything eventually..everyone will become brighter. Thank you so much! The end to a 25 year-old's diary entry. (4:26pm KST)

(Jaejoong) Hahaha. There were times when she thought of me as just another celebrity ..To the person who wrote the same words as me after I finished writing. I know how you feel. It would have been a great misfortune if I had ended my career as a celebrity without ever knowing that such a bond could exist. (4:31pm KST)

(Jaejoong) I'm reading your replies, and you keep calling yourselves Ppasooni, Ppasooni (빠순이 equivalent to 'Stan').. Then I'll be Byuldol-i (별돌이 Fan of a Star=Cassiopeia's fan) ! I'm really going to bed now~Goodnight^^See you お休み(Goodnight) (4:35pm KST)

Oh. My. God. Chun.

(Yoochun) "@elbowyeish: - Micky Christmas everybody!!! Have a warm Micky Chirstmas this winter" (4:46pm KST)

Oh. My. God. Chun. Part 2

(English Tweet/Yoochun) "@elbowyeish: Micky Presley!" (5:03pm KST)

Yoochun Wants Us to Cheer Up (I so believe this is totally directed at Jaejoong)

(Yoochun) Even if you want to cry^^ Let's all laugh together, at least just for this moment.... (5:29pm KST)

(Ji Yeun) @6002theMicky Make us laugh~^^ (5:30pm KST)

(Yoochun) @ssongjiyeun If you make me some hot chocolate~I'll make you laugh^^ (5:37pm KST)

Cheer Up Yourself bb <3

(Yoochun) Though I feel sad....I'm glad that you all can laugh.... (7:06pm KST)

Junsu wishes his cousin good luck!

(Ye Eun) Our maknae Joo Seung's taking the University Entrance Exam tomorrowㅠㅠㅋ Pray for him so that he's not scared and so that he does his best!! Everyone, hwaiting!!♥ (6:15pm KST)

(Junsu) @iamyenny8 Joo Seung, good luck on the University Entrance Exam~!! The least I can do is send you my support from the US!!! Hwaiting^^ Noona, please send him my message~(7:55pm KST)

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Brian!!! ...who?

(Junsu) Brian, you dance really well~ Your groove and rhythm are precise! You're speedy but that doesn't mean any of your moves are careless, each move is exact and controlled..and to add to that, you're kind-hearted, You really are the best~!

(Yoochun-sama makes an appearance lol) (8:03pm KST)

(Junsu) By the way, Brian's nickname is.. Rooney+Justin keke We made it for him...hahahaha~ Make a bang with your dance moves at the Jamshil concert~!!yo~!! (8:06pm KST)

Junsu contacts Kyung Jong ^^

(Junsu) @StarBell87 Kyung Jong, I hope you're doing well^^ Let's go eat something delicious when I get back to Korea~ (8:26pm KST)

Why is Jaejoong up at 5am?

(Jaejoong) It's now 10 o'clock in Seoul. Here, it's around...5 o'clock in the morning? (10:20pm KST)

omg... Junsu FAIL!!!! *pat pat* Thanks Yoochun!

(Yoochun) @0101xiahtic His name isn't Brian~ It's Ryan... (12:54am KST)